A Brief History of Benson


Benny joined our family in 2019

He is one of two dogs in the house – our other dog being an adopted 13.5 year old female Labrador cross who has lived with us for 12 years. 

Benson (right)

As we integrated Benny into our family we worked closely with trainers to improve his obedience; we worked with our vet to bring his weight up; and, we developed consistent routines and lots of opportunities for exercise for him.

Today, his obedience and general health is excellent.

Benson (right)

While Benny’s history was not available from the Humane Society, it was clear he had not been given an easy start in life – he is adorned with a number of scars on his head from his previous life. 

His big heart, his desire to be loved and the twinkle in his eye quickly stole our hearts.

Benny was, and continues to be, so excited to be on the receiving end of love and attention. 

We want to see Benny thrive. 

After 2.5 years with our family, we’ve identified that Benny will not be able to live his best life in our house. 

With the arrival of our first son, Benny’s environment changed and he has struggled to adjust to having a toddler in the home. On rare occasion Benny has become reactive.

We no longer feel it is safe to have him around our toddler; moreover our environment is no longer conducive to providing Benny with the amount of attention he needs to thrive.  We have placed Benny with a trainer while we search for his forever home.

If it weren’t for the risk posed by having a child in our home, my husband and I would want Benny to stay on with us.  

We are painfully aware that by keeping him in our home (or an interim home) we are wasting valuable time that he could be bonding with a new guardian in a more suitable environment where he would get the attention he needs.